Friday, August 15, 2014

1050 Tori's Sin - June - FITMESH Leather Leggings

Friday's Group Gift
August 15, 2014 
1050 Tori's Sin - June - Fitmesh Leggings (lite)

Marketplace Stores:
Womanity   *  Wetherby's   *  Tori's Sin *

1050 Tori's Sin - June - Fitmesh Leggings (Full)
Today's Special Price: 49L (Valued 250L)

#31 Wetherby's Corset 
This item is NOT mesh, it is drawn on the SL avatar (layer system)
 (Only 19L)

#30 Wetherby's Corset 
This item is NOT mesh, it is drawn on the SL avatar (layer system)
 (Only 19L)
