Saturday's Group Gift
August 16, 2014
* Womanity * Wetherby's * Tori's Sin *
097 Womanity Geikha - Zipper Dress (Full)
Today's Special Price: 49L (Valued 250L)
643 wetherby's Barbie New Stilettos - Gold (Only 39L)
These shoes work only with SL average feet You could try with Slink or other type of feet, but I can't guarantee it will work
Remember you can get a refund for ANYTHING purchased at the store, just send IM to Alejandra Jumanya (Mrs. W)
643 wetherby's Barbie Shoes - Gold (Only 39L)
These shoes are NOT MESH, they are sculpted and come with SL feet already included, you change the color of the skin via attached HUD (Not web hud)

643 wetherby's Barbie Dress (Style 1) - Gold
Pay any amount to our donation box to get it!