Saturday, November 1, 2014

Saturday's (belated Halloween)

Oh my, I'm normally very quiet and lonesome and I never celebrate halloween or sometimes even christmas. I have always been very dry and solitary :) 

Victoria's first halloween she was 2 months old, last year she was barely 14 months old and we stayed at home, this year she DRAGGED ME from house to house trick or treating, and we were all day making her costume, buying candy, getting things ready for halloween night, i was kinda hoping we would stay in and watch a movie... WRONG!  

haha but It was fun, I have to admit... we stayed up to midnight counting her candies and color coding them (she loves math!).  So all and all, I had no time to log in to SL and post halloween's specials.  I'm sorry about that.  Motherhood is something I was not prepared for, and I think I will never be, it's very challenging and ever changing... So, I will be posting our halloween specials today, you can use it next year and go as "unwrapped twix bits" hopefully you will have someone to help you with the unwrapping *winks nerdly* or you can just wear it any day, I would! 

Without further ado >>>

Saturday's (belated Halloween) Group Gift
November 1, 2014 

Marketplace Stores:
Womanity   *  Wetherby's   *  Tori's Sin * 

Special Price: Only 39L Each! 
No tricks, only treats here >>>
