Sunday, December 15, 2013

Dec 16 - 22, 2013 Freebies and Sale Items

Womanity & Tori's Sin
16 - 22 Nov.

Monday's freebie
697 Wetherby's Ava Dress - B&W

693 Wetherby's Dia de Sol Dress – Gold
Monday's Special Price: 23L (Valued 100L)

Tuesday's freebie
022 Womanity Mesh Autumn-Winter 2013

019 Womanity autumn-winter-2013
Monday's Special Price: 125L (Valued 250L)

Wednesday's freebie
002 Womanity Christmas Specials - Mesh Drape Back – Green

002 Womanity Christmas Specials- Mesh Drape Back Dress with HUD
Monday's Special Price: 99L (valued 250L)

Thursday's freebie
693 Wetherby's Dia de Sol Dress – Purple

029 Womanity autumn-winter-2013 - Blanket Jacket Colors
Monday's Special Price: 125L (Valued 250L)

Friday's freebie
006 Tori's Sin - Swimsuits Set #2 GIFT

006 Tori's Sin - Swimsuits Set #2
Monday's Special Price: 99L (valued 199L) 

Weekend's freebie

704 Wetherby's Olivia Dress - (System Skirt) - Black

704 Wetherby's Olivia Dress - (Mesh Skirt) - Black
Monday's Special Price: 38L (valued 199L)


Daily Freebie Rules:
1) You must belong to Wetherby's Group.
2) Activate your Wetherby's Tag and TOUCH (left click) the Flashing Vendor.
3) Our freebie of the day is for group-only members, it is set at 100L for non-group members. Do NOT right-click and choose buy, that will charge you and no refund will be made.
How to help keep Wetherby's in Business:

* Purchase our matching shoes or any other item, remember a sim costs $295 monthly and the only way to keep the store open is by paying rent. 
* Tell your friends about us. Help them find out how to grab our daily freebie.
* Wear your Wetherby's tag and dresses proudly :) 

Please consider visiting our sponsors, all proceedings will go towards paying SL rent.